We must remain committed to preserving and protecting access to the full range of reproductive health care – including legal abortion – as an imperative rooted in our deeply-held faith beliefs in social justice, moral agency, and religious liberty for all. Please contact your elected leaders to ask them to introduce and support legislation protecting an individual’s right to access abortion and the full range of reproductive healthcare access.
Take action.
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As a justice-seeking people, we must remain committed to preserving and protecting access to the full range of reproductive health care for all – including legal abortion – as an imperative rooted in our deeply-held faith beliefs in social justice, moral agency, and religious liberty for all. Please contact your member of Congress to ask them to introduce and support legislation protecting an individual’s right to access abortion and the full range of reproductive healthcare access.
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Associate Conference Minister Rev. Dr. Barb Doerrer-Peacock and First Church Phoenix pastor Rev. Susan Valiquette joined a number of Jewish clergy and leaders, other clergy and lay people (Independent Catholic, Presbyterian, and others as the 158-year-old draconian abortion ban that was resurrected by a Pima Co. Superior Court judge in September, was being heard by the AZ Court of Appeals.
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The Dobbs vs. Jackson decision that nullified women’s constitutional right to abortion has generated a deluge of rhetoric, legal changes, and arguments. Sherry Warren breaks down some of the lingo.
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The Southwest Conference hosted Now What? Informing, Educating, and Mobilizing Progressive Churches for Reproductive Rights on Saturday, July 9. You can view the video recording, chat, and a written summary.
Panelists included:
Frank Fox, SWC Attorney
Rev. Dr. Cari Jackson, National Staff/Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
Joan Lamunyon Sanford, Executive Director/NM Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
Karen Richter, Our Whole Lives Educator
Rev. Dr. Barbara Doerrer-Peacock, Associate Conference Minister
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Here’s a list of resources including stories, advocacy actions, and theological and liturgical grounding for prayerfully considering the issues around reproductive justice. There are worship resources to use in your congregation as we process this news and in preparation for the next part of this struggle, a social media and messaging toolkit, and links to past UCC actions on reproductive health access. We hope this will complement the work many of you are already doing and that these resources can be shaped and molded to suit your particular needs and community.
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Many are rightly shocked by the Supreme Court’s repudiating the constitutional right to reproductive choice. Less surprising is the Supreme Court’s recent history of saying anything, however contradictory, to get to a desired result. Because issues of constitutional law are not always easily understood, some explanation is helpful, but it is also likely to cause further shock over the Supreme Court’s disingenuous philosophies of legal interpretation called “originalism” and “textualism.”
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We saw a glimpse into a future without abortion access with the Politico SCOTUS leak, which inspired questions and commentary about how we can step up collectively as faith leaders yet again to support people who need abortions and reproductive justice. However, sometimes it’s difficult to figure out where you might fit in. With that in mind, here is a list of so many ways, and so many things that all need support and doing. Not one person can do all of them. But between our coalitions and our collective hope for the world, we can all do some of them. Join us in the faith-filled future for abortion access.
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While there has been no confirmation on the authenticity of the draft — the Supreme Court has no comment — reaction from a United Church of Christ leader came swiftly in this short message to the wider church:
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As a justice-seeking people, we cannot remain silent while state laws transform us into a map of “haves and have-nots” with regard to access to reproductive health services. Protecting access to the full range of reproductive health care for all – including safe, legal abortion – is an imperative rooted in our deeply-held faith beliefs in social justice, moral agency, and religious liberty for all. Please contact your member of Congress to support passage of the Women’s Health Protection Act so any person is able to make their own medical decisions based on their values and with the consultation of their medical team, and without barriers imposed by economic status, employment status, or zip code.
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First UCC Phoenix and Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice are co-hosting a candlelight vigil on Sunday, October 3 at 7.30pm in honor and memoriam of women who have died or their lives diminished because of the attacks on abortion.
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