We Shall Not Be Moved, Songs of Protest, Lament, and Hope

We Shall Not Be Moved, Songs of Protest, Lament, and Hope

In this turbulent time, one thing we as church musicians can do is use music that gives congregants the chance to channel their feelings into community singing. We know the power of music to move and soothe us. What powerful songs have people used in the past? What songs are you leaning into today?

Hymn writers Adam Tice, Ana Hernández, and Hannah Brown will join Board Member Ruth Striegel for a Saturday Sharing about the work they do to bring light to our hurting world. Come and be a part of the conversation!

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UCCMA's Saturday Sharing Recap

UCCMA's Saturday Sharing Recap

“Where Did You Get That Song? Resources for Congregational Song”

At their November Saturday Sharing, Ruth Striegel (First Congregational Albuquerque) talked about how to reach beyond the hymnal to find new songs to use with your congregation. You can see her list of resources and view the video recording of the conversation. Saturday Sharing will return in 2025.

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UCC Musicians Association News Update: Early Bird Deadline

UCC Musicians Association News Update: Early Bird Deadline

From Ruth Striegel, Director of Music at First Congregational UCC Albuquerque:

UCC musicians and music lovers are invited to learn about and get involved in the UCC Musicians Association, a dedicated volunteer group whose mission is “to inspire, educate, and nurture those who minister through music and the arts.” Our excellent journal, Zoom Saturday Sharings, DEI statement, Epiphanies column, and much more are available on our website, https://uccma.wildapricot.org/. Our summer conference, A Place at the Table, will be held in Old Greenwich, Connecticut July 10-13. Early Bird pricing is available through April 15.

I’ve been an UCCMA member since 2017, and found it to be a wonderful resource and community for me in my work as music director at First Congregational Albuquerque. Please let your church musicians know about this group!

Ruth Striegel

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