“The gifts he gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” — Ephesians 4:11-12 (NRSVUE)
The Apostle Paul reminds us that God calls individuals into ministry not only to shepherd and teach but also to grow in their own faith and understanding. This growth is vital to equipping the church to navigate a changing world. As the Body of Christ, congregations have a sacred role in nurturing the continuing education of their pastors, ensuring they remain spiritually enriched, theologically informed, and practically equipped to lead with wisdom and compassion.
Clergy continuing education is not merely professional development—it is a spiritual investment in the life of the whole church. A pastor’s learning fosters vibrant preaching, deeper pastoral care, and innovative ministries that address the needs of the community. Whether through supporting sabbaticals, encouraging participation in workshops and conferences, or celebrating milestones in learning, churches have an opportunity to be active partners in their pastor’s growth.
A Two-Way Blessing
When a congregation prioritizes its pastor’s continuing education, the benefits ripple outward. New insights and strategies gained through study and reflection often invigorate sermons, Bible studies, and outreach programs. Pastors return from these experiences inspired, which inspires the congregation in turn. This mutual encouragement creates a dynamic of shared learning that builds up the Body of Christ in ways Paul envisioned.
Practical Ways to Support Clergy Education
Churches can play a vital role in helping clergy pursue opportunities for education and renewal. Consider these ideas:
1. Budget for Education: Allocating funds specifically for workshops, conferences, or advanced degree programs demonstrates a commitment to your pastor’s development.
2. Time for Growth: Providing time off for educational opportunities or sabbaticals acknowledges the importance of intellectual and spiritual renewal.
3. Celebrate Learning: When a pastor returns from a workshop or completes a course, invite them to share their experience with the congregation through a sermon or special session.
4. Pray and Encourage: Be in prayer for your pastor’s studies and encourage them in their endeavors.
Our Shared Call
In the Southwest Conference, we recognize that clergy education is not a solitary journey but a shared calling. Our pastors minister in complex and challenging environments, and the church’s partnership in their ongoing formation reflects a deep commitment to God’s mission. Together, as congregations and conference leaders, let us live into this sacred responsibility, building up the saints for the work of ministry and the flourishing of Christ’s Church.
How is your church investing in your pastor’s continuing education? Together, we equip the saints, and together, we build the Kingdom.