Extravagantly welcoming and affirming followers of Christ called to embody God’s unconditional justice and love.
Conference Office News Blog
Here are three lighthearted yet serious reasons clergy need self-care—and yes, the Manual on Ministry backs me up on this.
Faith In Action Blog
by Dr. Kristina “Tina” Campbell
Few would argue that we are living in a time when we long for symbols of hope in our weary and conflicted world. Several congregations and the Southwest Conference of the United Church of Christ have found hope in supporting the work of Centro de Esperanza in Sonoyta, Mexico.
Church News & Events
Congratulations to Rev. Dr. Guillermo Marquez-Sterling, newly installed pastor of Church of the Red Rocks. Welcome (officially) to the Southwest Conference!
To watch a recording of the installation service, click here.
Photo credit: Gordon Street III